Sunday, March 12, 2006

Man and Love

Laila had Majnu.
Tarzan had Jane.
But my friend’s beloved
brought him much pain.

Love is not all pleasure.
Love is not a treasure.
It is just a measure
of life’s pleasures and pains.

It is so strange –
those who have it value not it.
But when they lose it,
they go crazy for it.

Moon struck Majnus and Tarzans,
lose sleep for Lailas and Janes,
and find too late: the fun ends
on mating their mates.

Voltaire’s Candide longed
all life for Cunegonde.
His longing for her ends
when he marries her finally -
though already haggard and old.

Man does not learn
life’s goal is not God and love.
Alas! for man love is like God.
Both exist for he wants them to exist.

How strange is this!
The deluded man finds
the purpose of his life
only in God and love.

Is there anything more to it?


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