Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Is Ayurvedic Medicine For You?

Our bodies work the same ways,
Taking oxygen through air ways,
Or absorbing water or nutrients
Through alimentary ways.

We do not oppose these ways.
We do not hold breath to suffocate.
(except perhaps some Ayurvedic medics)
We do not tell guts not to absorb
(except bulimics of slim-wave ways
or Ayurvedic ways of bowl-clearing ways)

Over the natural flow of energy,
Living with nature in harmony,
Stress free, easily, comfortably,
Ayurveda has no monopoly.

Ayurvedic medic treats by body types.
But does not tell what are the types.
His only tool of diagnosis are:
Pulse and the color of your skin and eyes.

He does not even have a thermometer,
Forget about syphygmomanometer.
No blood tests, no x-rays,
No MRIs, no CAT scans.

He knows the names of organs
That is all the anatomy he knows
Rest is all Chakras and Kundalinis.
And all holy, holy souls!

His medicines may contain
Pigeon droppings dissolved
In holy urine of mother cow,
Or some crude extracts

Of plants and herbs
That we already know.
Their side effects might kill you,
That you should never try to know!

Prevention of disease is not an invention
Of Ayurvedic medics , you know
Nor are they the only ones adjusting
Meds to kids, adults and olds, you know.

Talking of body types, body types,
Making you unique to their meds
Is all cacophony, you must know.
As they only use their hands and eyes

To touch you, to see you
And then to tell you, your body types.
All this Ayurvedic medicine, alas!
Is glorified in shameless hypes.

The proof of the pudding is:
When Ayurvedic medics get sick,
They forgets their medicines
And to Allopathic medics run, quick.

Do not talk of any surgery,
As they only know how body works
But know nothing what makes what work.
All Chakras and Kundalinis!


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