Sunday, March 19, 2006

Darling, please be careful

Darling, when you’re getting late,
Please give me a call.
I sit by the window,
I watch the way you’d come.

I pray for you, all is well.
You are safe on the road.
No trouble with the car.
Nor stuck in the snow.
Everything with you is swell.

Not stuck in the office.
No fights with your boss.
No hassles in the deals
Of your goddamn clients.

My thoughts sometime wander
to that bitch of a Sussie who flirted
with you at the pool party,
right in front of my eyes.
And I was going to give her
a punch right in her eyes.

That shameless bitch with
her bulging silicone boobs,
giggling in her false teeth,
dimpling in her uplifted face,
lisping in her rounded lips,
flirted with you in front of my eyes --
asking you if your love was well
and you wanted a night out sometime.

Darling, please be careful.
I love you.
I do not want to lose you.
And you know,
I am always jealous.


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