Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Dark Lover - Mira

Original in Hindi:

he rî maim to prema dîvânî, merâ dard na jâne koya
sûlî ûpara seja hamârî, kisa bidha sonâ hoya
gagana maNDala pai seja piyâ kî, kisa bidha milana hoya

ghâyala kî gati ghâyala jânai, kî jina lâî hoya
jauhar kî gati jauhar jânai, kî jina jauhar hoya
dard kî mârî bana bana Dolûm baida milâ nahim koya
mîrâ kî prabhu pîra miTaigî jaba baida sâmvaliyâ hoya

My rendering:

O my girl friends,
I am going crazy in love,
No body knows my pains.

My bed is on the gallows,
How can I sleep there now ?
My lover’s bed is in the paradise,
How can I sleep there with him?

The wounded knows
How it feels to be wounded,
How the flames burn the body.

The jeweler knows
What it takes to be a jeweler,
He knows the real worth of the jewels.

Suffering in pains,
I’m now wander in forests,
I cannot find a medic there.

Mira’s pains will go away
Only on finding her medic--
The Dark Lover.


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