Sunday, January 29, 2006

You have now become God

I am special and religious
Very religious, indeed

My mind did not know
What was love

So I asked my mind
To ask God

See, I am so religious, everything
I know has to come from God

My mind loves love
And loves in giving and gaining love

But it does not know
What is true, true love!

And God tells my mind:
He did not believe how stupid it was

That it could not tell what was true
And what love was untrue

Though it’s simple for any dumb-head:
What is true is true
And what is untrue is not true

Dumbfounded I was
To find out how true it was!

God went on further to say this:
“Don’t move even you have to piss

Selflessness is true love
Devotion is true love

It is all permanent
It loves the state of ideal-ness

It creates feeling deep inside
Deep deep down in your heart

If you don’t need love
You’re happy. Don’t care for love

As love is only for happiness
For no nonsense, no crapi-ness

Whether you are sick or health
True love lives in you

Love can hurt, love can love
So find the right house of love

It can go right, it can go wrong
Don’t in anger throw your thongs

To have money, fame or love
You have certain things to do

You cannot live just thinking of love
You have to do things to get love

So that you can do things with love
And your love can do things with you

But first you do spiritual things
Without spirit in the world there’s not a thing

You spirit will connect you deep within
As it lives even deeper than you think

What you are is only a brain
Nothing more, simply a brain

When the spirit thing goes from heart to brain
And Ah! You lighten up like a running train.”

And then you find the eternal truth:
That God is truth and the truth is God

And God is you and you are God
You and him are one, both stupid, O Lord!

Oh God, how wonderful!
You have now become God

Oh God, I pray to you God
Holy, mighty eternal God

Leave me alone in peace or war
I don’t want to be stupid as you are

Don’ tell me what love is
(true, romantic, platonic or any type)
I myself will find what it is.

As when it comes to love
You are no smarter than I am

I can love many women at a time
You love only Jesus, so confined

Disclaimer: The use of personal pronoun 'I' does not imply I endorse all the thoughts put forth in the above write-up. The thoughts are composite of ideas expressed by other writers on the internet.


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