Wednesday, February 01, 2006

they idealize idiotic thoughts

they do not like what
he writes and puts on their site.
they delete him.

they like those who stroke their backs
to feel they are the greatest
of gurus of souls and minds

they say love is good, hatred is bad
peace is good, war is bad
but to reason is never good, always bad

they say you can die, see God
and come back to life to tell
that spiritual shining light

they say you can talk to the dead
if you know how to talk to the dead
and see the dead in heaven when you're dead

they preach blind faith in souls
connecting them trough quantum fields
floating in the prakurti of their consciousness

the nerdy thoughts of a nerdy guru
attract people like herds running
from arid zones to morsels of green grass

but illusion, all illusion, they are told.
a mountain's magnificence from a distance
dissolves on finding lurching leopards

hungry wolves, roaring lions
boulders and stones that hide
scorpions, rats and reptiles

big idiots attract little idiots
bigger idiots the big idiots
but the biggest idiot of all attracts all idiots

so in the kingdom of idiots
they idealize idiotic thoughts
idling in their idle hearts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tanzan / Ravi etc.

I always check your work out, but it often carries venom, and imho that negative quality detracts from your undeniable humor, wit, skill and originality.

I would so appreciate whatever you'd write that does not carry anger or spite towards others. By including the anger and spite, you subtract from, and diminish, your great literary gift. Whether this is intentional or not, whether you are self destructive or simply so irritated with life that all your energy goes into that, I don't know.

Just as you wouldn't intentionally step in crap on the street, so 99% of readers won't read stuff that carries negativity as a major component.

Anyway, peace. I'll keep checking your blog out anyway. I do love the pieces you write that don't carry that negative stuff, even when they are very simple.

Cheers, best wishes and happy blogging, heather

10:11 AM  
Blogger Ravi Kopra said...

Thanks for your comments. I shall probably respond in a poem, hopefully not too distant in the future.

10:39 PM  

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