Sunday, March 19, 2006

As I awake this morning

As I awake this morning,
each morning,
a jumble of thoughts
streak into my mind…

~Shekhar Kapoor

As I awake this morning
Like every other morning
I do wake up in the morning

A jumble of thoughts
Stumble in my humble mind
And I crumble all thoughtlessness

Each thread of thought
Is a thread, a sticky thread
Like butter spread on bread
I untangle the threads
Facing their sticky stickiness

Till I realize
What a fool I am
I must accept all sticky messiness
It is all a jungle I mumble
Why fumble in these threads
I sigh a sigh of relief
Holding my inner belief

Wow! what a daily fight
For myself to survive.
I shall win with might
Like every day and night

For my mind is a sissy
Facing chaos it goes all pissy –
No topsy-turvyness
No topsy-turvydom
No pandemonium
No nothing does it like
More than I do like
(or do not like
how do I know?)


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