For My Hispanic and Latino Friends
Por Mi Amigos Hispanico Y Latino
Dear amigo, do not shy away,
Do not hide from me,
Do not feel you’re
Below any one of us.
We are all alike,
We too like mariachi,
Burritos and tostodas,
Cerveza and margaritas.
Your culture is rich,
Richer than our ours.
You family ties put
Rest of us to shame.
For your love por madre y padre,
y esposo o esposa,
tios y tias,
ninos y ninas,
I salute you.
I see you with your family,
All members young and old.
All small and tall,
Picnicking in parks
Shopping in malls,
Banking in banks,
Together for a stroll.
If someone is sick
You all together stick,
Visiting the doc,
Waiting for hours in halls.
For that too I salute you.
You know how to live -
Siestas - you take life easy.
You know how to love,
So passionate in blood.
Your poetry of romance,
No one can write better.
Octavio Paz, Gabriel Marquez
Carlos Fuentes, Pablo Neruda
I salute them all.
Dear amigo, do not shy away,
Do not hide from me,
Do not feel you’re
Below any one of us.
We are all alike,
We too like mariachi,
Burritos and tostodas,
Cerveza and margaritas.
Your culture is rich,
Richer than our ours.
You family ties put
Rest of us to shame.
For your love por madre y padre,
y esposo o esposa,
tios y tias,
ninos y ninas,
I salute you.
I see you with your family,
All members young and old.
All small and tall,
Picnicking in parks
Shopping in malls,
Banking in banks,
Together for a stroll.
If someone is sick
You all together stick,
Visiting the doc,
Waiting for hours in halls.
For that too I salute you.
You know how to live -
Siestas - you take life easy.
You know how to love,
So passionate in blood.
Your poetry of romance,
No one can write better.
Octavio Paz, Gabriel Marquez
Carlos Fuentes, Pablo Neruda
I salute them all.
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