Saturday, February 18, 2006

All things pass

Sun rises in the morning,
The morning does not last.
It sets down in the evening,
The evening does not last.
All things pass.

A thunder comes and passes,
A tornado rips everything
Off in its path.
A tsunami comes and sweeps
Everything in its path.
They do not last.
All things pass.

Everything changes:
Earth, clouds thunders, skies
Rivers, oceans, fire, winds.
They do not last.
All things pass.

Why should then not
Man’s visions, dreams
Illusions, delusions
Stay and not pass?
What makes man
So special not to last?

Live in the moment.
Don’t lose the moment.
Take it as it comes,
It doesn't last.
All things pass.

A variation on Timothy Leary’s
translation of the original poem
in Chinese by Lao-Tzu (6th centeury BC)


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