Darling, I still remember
Darling, I still remember
That spring morning,
Camping in woods we went
To the brook to fetch water,
And sat there on a boulder,
Watching the sun to rise
Beyond the birch trees;
As the sunbeams came
From crimson skies
Through the tall trees,
Touching our face,
Shining in our eyes,
You leaned against me
And kissed me, and I
Embraced you tight
In my arms and said:
Sweetheart, I love you.
That spring morning,
Camping in woods we went
To the brook to fetch water,
And sat there on a boulder,
Watching the sun to rise
Beyond the birch trees;
As the sunbeams came
From crimson skies
Through the tall trees,
Touching our face,
Shining in our eyes,
You leaned against me
And kissed me, and I
Embraced you tight
In my arms and said:
Sweetheart, I love you.
Aujourd'hui C'est le Fête des Mères!
Je sais, tu aimes ta mère infinement.
En rappelant ta mère, si possible, est que tu donnes manger les gens pauvres?
Dieu ! tu recompensara,at ta mère aussi, si tu donne ä manger les pauvres( indigent ).
Ma petit fille m'a ecrit comme celle ci:
Chère Maman,
Si J'avais!
Si J'avais un jardin très grand,
Tout rempli des fleurs, les plus belles,
Je les cuillerais pour maman,
Tout mon jardin serait pour elle.
Si j'avais pour un grand cadeau
Plein de sous dans ma tire lire,
Je lui offrirais le plus beau
Avec mon plus joli sourire
Mais je n'ai ni cadeau, ni fleurs,
A offrir à maman, si bonne.
Je n'ai rien que mon petit coeur,
Mais tout entier, je le lui donne
Je aime ma mère beaucoup, plus gentille des mères."
Bonne Fête des Mères
Dear amit_isi,
I have been on a vacation with no access to internet. Thanks for your continued interest. Writing poetry, you know, is the mood thing.
Dear la fleur,
Thanks for stopping by to read my poem and posting your lovely poem. Happy Mothers Day to you too.
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